The Scree Skier Herald

Zero to Hero - Making a Trail Running Comeback

Author: Andrew Rogers

Date: November 11, 2023

Running, especially trail running is one of those sports that's hard to stay away from. For me, this has certainly been true. When you get it right, it's good fun. Blazing through aspen glades, traversing across boulder fields, falling face first after tripping on the smallest spruce root. Yeah good fun... There's always that one event, one trail, or collection of peaks on your mind and it can be extremely hard to shake those nagging thoughts.

Unfortunately, it's extremely easy to just stop trail running. Injury, illness, burnout can all play a role in this decline. Trail running is a high impact and mentally demanding sport. I can say I have dealt with the big three: Injury, illness, and burnout. This begs the question of: How can you go from no running to running an ultramarathon in a realistic time frame, minimizing the possibility and impact of these running-inhibitors?

Spring Creek Drainage

Spring Creek Drainage approx. 30 miles from Gunnison CO. September 2023

There are a ton of ultramarathons out there, and none of them are easy. No matter the elevation change, no matter the altitude, no matter the length, and no matter the competition. Prepare in a way that sets you up for success and not imminent catastrophe:

Copper Mountain - Vail Pass CO

Copper Mountain from Vail Pass. September 2023

With running it is very hard to gauge what you should and should not be doing. The most important part is just listening and taking care of yourself. If you don't downplay how you're feeling then your chance of a successful reintroduction to running is much higher.

Thank you for reading! And check out some of the other articles too.

Spring Creek Drainage X